I'm quite a bit behind in creating this blog. It's been in my head for years and finally making it onto the internet. I just wanted my blog to feel like the missing link in sharing the things I am interested in. I mean, really, my family can only praise me so much. I hope that this will become an interactive forum where we can all share ideas, projects, techniques, and pages. I hope to inspire and be inspired. PaperNana came about because my g-babies call me Nana and I love paper of all kinds, therefore I combined the best of both worlds. Welcome to PaperNana Creations!


Blog Design/World Card Making Day

"Holy Smokes"--I have been trying to get my blog designed more to my liking.  I have been using some talented designer's products (with purchased permission, or with CU options) to make the feel and layout of my blog more "ME".  The designer elements in the header were created by Anna Aspnes and Jodie Lee.  Check these talented ladies out!  Anna is now at Oscraps and Jodie is with Jessica Sprague.  I may have thrown in some others, but basically, I wanted to have some clustering on the right, and a nice bold font--I chose Impact.  You likey?  Me likey.  It's getting better.  Still have a ways to go.  I don't have a hubby with computer programming skills so unfortunately I am on my own here.

World Card Making Day is TOMORROW!  Are you ready to mass produce some cards?  Paper Crafts magazine is having a contest with some killer prizes.  The deadline to get cards in is October 11.  Give it a shot, every year I have thought about doing it, but I have actually got some done and ready to go!  I want to enter in each category.  I'll take some pics of my cards and post them here so you can see them.  Everyone, join with me and submit.  Take the plunge and overcome whatever obstacles have been holding you back!  You have everything to win, and nothing to lose; except your entries.  Unfortunately they don't return your submissions. :(

Have a great weekend and keep on crafting!


Some Favorite Past Layouts

I love to do digital scrapbooking.  These are a few of my favorites so far, and as you'll notice, there are some little cuties in them as well. 

I recently made a page for my oldest daughter and her husband.  I haven't shown her yet, so here it is!  They have moved away to attend medical school and had the gall to take their babies with them.  If that's not bad enough, she's having their third baby in December...of course I am just poking fun.  I'm so proud of the hard work they've done and they deserve every achievement and opportunity that's come their way.  All of my kids have made excellent choices in selecting their spouses.  I'm so grateful for the way they love and support each other, and stay dedicated to each other and to their goals.  I'll be introducing my family so that you will get a feel for what inspires me; they are a huge part of my life and I am constantly inspired by them.

Here you go Laura.  This one's for you and Alex:

Here goes everything!

Like I said, this blog has been a long time coming. I read an article linked to by Kayla on her blog at Digital Scrapbooking 101.  It embodies so much of my feelings, excuses, fear, successes, and reasons to keep trying, no matter the cost.  There is a cost you know, at least to me.  If I don't embrace and nurture my creative side then I notice the rest of my life feels like it's missing something.  I need some sort of creative outlet everyday, whether it be small or large.  To ME, it does make a difference.  Maybe you can relate to this too. Check it out here http://zenhabits.net/the-little-but-really-useful-guide-to-creativity/.  Can you relate?