I'm quite a bit behind in creating this blog. It's been in my head for years and finally making it onto the internet. I just wanted my blog to feel like the missing link in sharing the things I am interested in. I mean, really, my family can only praise me so much. I hope that this will become an interactive forum where we can all share ideas, projects, techniques, and pages. I hope to inspire and be inspired. PaperNana came about because my g-babies call me Nana and I love paper of all kinds, therefore I combined the best of both worlds. Welcome to PaperNana Creations!


I Love the Land of Digi!

I used to be a full-out, all-out paper scrapper way back in the 90's.  You know the drill, you buy all the paper you need until your next visit (because she who dies with the most paper wins!), go into the back room of your local scrapbook store to punch all the die cuts you could possibly ever need in various colors and shapes (remember all those fish, waves, and beach balls you cut out for the beach scenes you could create just in case you ever made it to the coast?), and don't forget the STICKERS!  A page wasn't a page unless it had at least, what, seven on it?  I worked on my kids scrapbooks, from the youngest to oldest.  It made me feel better that at least 4 of my 6 kids got their albums entirely caught up to date (that date long ago, still in the 90's when the scrapbooks supplies got put away and didn't come out for over another decade.  Needless to say, by that time, what was I to do with all that outdated product?

Let it be said up front, I am a Hopeless Hobby-Hopper!  If I fall out of interest in one thing, there's always something else to take its place.  I mean, remember all that paper I had?  Well it could be used in stamping! I became a home distributor and stamping enthusiast.  Never let it be said that I don't go all out when I embrace a new hobby.  I became familiar and proficient with things like embossing, different kinds of stamp pads, brayering, layering, and lots and lots of stamps.  Luckily, I still have a soft place in my heart for stamps.  I can't help but add the latest and greatest to my collection.

To make a long story short, due to some personal medical problems, I took a hiatus from crafting for a while, quite a while.   I slowly worked my way back in though...and baby, I am BACK!  I have made some paper pages, totally gotten into card making and paper crafting, and now I have entered the digital world.  I have to attribute my inspirational sources to the blogging community more than any other place.  I have subscribed to Paper Crafts Magazine and Creating Keepsakes for what seems like forever, but the nurturing of my crafting soul has been had by Two Peas in a Bucket, Noell Hyman at Paperclippling, Kristina Werner, Scraptime, and The Daily Digi.  I enjoy listening to podcasts The Paperclipping Roundtable and The Digi Show, amongst others.

With my interest in digital scrapbooking, I had to learn to use Photoshop Elements.  I currently have version 8.  I also have PhotoShop CS4, but need to force myself to use it more so I become more proficient.  I am learning to love editing photos in Photoshop almost as much as I love taking pictures.  I thought I would try out a technique that was discussed on The Daily Digi this past week; it's about converting your photographs in Photoshop into pencil sketches on your digital page layouts.  You will find a link to the article here.  I was eager to give it a try, so I broke open my MacBook Pro and went to work.  It's hard to choose from oodles of photos, but my g-baby Emma was right there on my screen willing and ready to take the plunge with me.  This is what I came up with...

I included a before and after to show the true effect.  Next,  I just had to make her the center of attention...

....then the universe...

I can't wait to hone my skills and learn to focus my time and attention to accomplish my goals and desires in digi-land.  I don't lack for subject matter, that's for sure.  As far as my digi-collecting goes, my digital files have expanded their way out of my computer and into an external hard drive.  The awesome thing about digi-scrapping is that when you buy a kit from a designer or get freebies (as they are called) they are yours to use forever; not once, like a piece of paper, but over and over again.  If that's not the best argument for giving digital scrapbooking a try, I don't know what is.  There are free tutorials and free digital supplies out there galore.  That's how I learned.  I was a downloading mad-woman.  What can I say?  I'm a collector!

1 comment:

  1. That's so sweet! It looks great. Thanks for sharing and keep it coming!
